søndag den 17. juni 2012

A Liam Imagine

#IMAGINE; you're at school, and its lunch time. You're sitting with your phone while you're eating. You've been tweeting to the boys about you being bullied, but they've actually never answered to at least one of them. You're sitting with some food in your mouth and writing a new tweet, when you hear footsteps behind you. You look back, and see the girl who bullies you. "What now?" you ask them, and try to  make your voice to sound strong. One of the girls laugh, "oh, you're on twitter?" she says and takes your phone. You look at her, "no, don't take it!" you say and jumps up from the chair to take the phone back. The girl just laugh, "im a whore..." she says, while she's writing it in a tweet.
"What if it isn't here?" you hear a guy with an irish accent whisper. "Im sure its here" another guy answers him, and then opens the door. They look at you and the girl, and the other girl dropped your phone, and it hitted the floor. "Hey, girl!" the guy says again, "go away from her" he adds. The girl looks scared at the guy, and then walks away. The guy runs over to you, "are you alright?" he asks, and look into your eyes. You smile a bit, "yeah, im fine.." you say to him. You look at him, and then over to the other boys, and you realize that it's One Direction. You look at the guy, "i saw your tweets, i wanted to help you" he said and smiled, "im Liam" he said then. You laughed a bit shy, "im {YOUR NAME}" you answered and smiled a bit. Liam smiled, "come with me and the boys" he said then and smiled big, "it'll be great". "hakuna matata!" one of the guys said and laughed.

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