torsdag den 19. april 2012

A Niall Imagine

#IMAGINE; you sit and cry in your couch. You have been bullied, again. Your boyfriend Niall doesn't know anything about it. Niall calls you, and you try to stop crying. "Hey babe!" Niall say very happy to you. You smile a bit, "Hey Niall" you try to say without you show in your voice that you have cried. "Is there something wrong?" Niall asks, "I hate when you talk like that.. i know you have been crying" Niall quickly continues, when he realise you won't tell him why you cry. You think a bit about it, "just come over.. i don't want to say it over phone" you say to him, and end the call with no answer from Niall. Niall comes over to your house, "what happened?" is the first thing Niall says to you. You smile a bit, and tell him your whole story about the girls there bullies you. "Babe.." he says, and then kisses you, "why didn't you tell me that?" he asks. You look at him, "i don't want you to be sad.. I hate when you are sad..." you say to him, and then Niall kisses you.

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