fredag den 27. april 2012

A Niall Imagine

#IMAGINE; you are fooling around on this big boat with your littlesister. You and your sister laugh, and then your sister falls. You doesn't see her fall, but you hear her scream when she hit the ground. You look over to her, and see that a boy already have found her laying on the ground. You ran over to them, and sit you next to your sister. You look at the boy, "Thanks for helping.." You say to him and smile big. The boy looks at you, "you're welcome" he says and smiles a big wonderful smile. The boy have cute blond hair, on his teeth a pair of braces are placed and his eyes are the prettiest blue you ever have seen. "My name is {YOUR NAME}" you say to him, and you forgot your sister a bit. The boy smiles, "Hi. My name is Niall" he says and look down at your sister. "{YOUR NAME}, my ancle hurts.." your sister complains to you and pulls a bit in your sleeve. "You should probably get her to the boats doctor, im in cabin 8" Niall says to you and smile before he raise up. "It was nice to meet both of you" he says before walking away. You look at your sister, "let us go to the doctor!" you say cheerful to your sister, and then you lift her up and walks down to the boats doctor. The doctor check her, and he tells you that its only pain from the fall. You smile a bit and say thank you to the doctor. You lift your sister to your parents and yours cabin. You decide to go to Niall's cabin, and when you walk down to him you get a bit nervous. You knock on the door, and then you hear Niall say 'Come in! The door is open". You open the door, "Hi" you say to him and walks into the room. Niall looks happy at you, "{YOUR NAME}!" he says happy and hugs you, "what did the doctor say?" he asks you. You smile, "it was only pain" you say to him and smile a bit. "That was good" he say and smiles, "do you want to go with me up to the deck?" he asks you. You nod, "sure!" you say and smile. Niall takes your hand, and walks up to the deck. Its almost night, and the sun is on its way down. You and Niall look at eachother and you both smile, "Come with me" Niall said and took your hand, and pulled you with him over to a little corner on the deck. You and Niall looked at the sunset, and you looked up at Niall. "Its so beautiful.." you whispered while looking at Niall. Niall smiled charming and looked you into your eyes. You blushed a bit, and when you turned your head to see the sunset again, Niall grabbed your face in his hands, and turned you around so you stood face-to-face. You blushed again, when you felt Niall's hands on your waist, and then Niall's lips on yours.

1 kommentar:

  1. OMP! Det er så fantastisk! Du skriver nogle virkelig gode imagines! Nu glæder jeg mig bare til den dag det sker i virkeligheden....
