lørdag den 28. april 2012

Dedicated to Yasmina - Zayn

#IMAGINE; you sit in Milkshake City with your strawberry/cherry milkshake. You drink a bit of your milkshake, and because of the noise from the straw you don't hear a boy asking you if he can sit next to you. "Hello? Can i sit next to you?" he asks again and smiles to you. You blush a bit, "yeah, ofcourse!" you answer him and smile, "My name is  Yasmina" you say to him and take some more of your milkshake. The boy smiles to you, "Hi. My name is Zayn" he says and takes a bit of his milkshake. You smile to him, "Hi Zayn!" you say and look into his eyes. Zayn have the most beautiful eyes you ever have seen, and you already love to look into them. Zayn looks down at your hand, then over to you and then he places his hand close to yours. You blush a bit, and start to stare at the straw in your milkshake-cup. Zayn laughs a bit over your shy-ness and smiles to you, "You don't have to be shy, its just me" he says to you, like you have been friends for years. You laugh a bit to him and look into his eyes instead. Zayn looks over to the watch in the shop, "i have to go in 5minutes.." he says with a sigh and look over to you. "Can i get your number? So we can keep our contact?" he says with his wonderful smile. You nod, "ofcourse Zayn!" you say and gives him your number. "Well.. Bye Yasmina, it was great to meet you" Zayn say to you, before lifting your hand up and kissing it. You blush a bit when you see him leave. After 5minutes you get a message from Zayn. You open it and read his text. "Could we see eachother again? xx" Zayn have written to you, and you write back to him; "ofcourse".

fredag den 27. april 2012

A Liam Imagine

#IMAGINE; you and Liam sit and talks about your past. When you have to tell about your school years, you start to cry. "babe.. why are you crying?" Liam asks you. You smile a bit through your tears, "i've got bullied for 2 years.. I never tell anyone, and my parents still doesn't know.. I only tell it to the people i trust" you say to him. Liam smiles, "And you trust me enough to say it.." he says and then kisses your lips softly.

-i wasn't in the happiest mood when i wrote this.

A Niall Imagine

#IMAGINE; you are fooling around on this big boat with your littlesister. You and your sister laugh, and then your sister falls. You doesn't see her fall, but you hear her scream when she hit the ground. You look over to her, and see that a boy already have found her laying on the ground. You ran over to them, and sit you next to your sister. You look at the boy, "Thanks for helping.." You say to him and smile big. The boy looks at you, "you're welcome" he says and smiles a big wonderful smile. The boy have cute blond hair, on his teeth a pair of braces are placed and his eyes are the prettiest blue you ever have seen. "My name is {YOUR NAME}" you say to him, and you forgot your sister a bit. The boy smiles, "Hi. My name is Niall" he says and look down at your sister. "{YOUR NAME}, my ancle hurts.." your sister complains to you and pulls a bit in your sleeve. "You should probably get her to the boats doctor, im in cabin 8" Niall says to you and smile before he raise up. "It was nice to meet both of you" he says before walking away. You look at your sister, "let us go to the doctor!" you say cheerful to your sister, and then you lift her up and walks down to the boats doctor. The doctor check her, and he tells you that its only pain from the fall. You smile a bit and say thank you to the doctor. You lift your sister to your parents and yours cabin. You decide to go to Niall's cabin, and when you walk down to him you get a bit nervous. You knock on the door, and then you hear Niall say 'Come in! The door is open". You open the door, "Hi" you say to him and walks into the room. Niall looks happy at you, "{YOUR NAME}!" he says happy and hugs you, "what did the doctor say?" he asks you. You smile, "it was only pain" you say to him and smile a bit. "That was good" he say and smiles, "do you want to go with me up to the deck?" he asks you. You nod, "sure!" you say and smile. Niall takes your hand, and walks up to the deck. Its almost night, and the sun is on its way down. You and Niall look at eachother and you both smile, "Come with me" Niall said and took your hand, and pulled you with him over to a little corner on the deck. You and Niall looked at the sunset, and you looked up at Niall. "Its so beautiful.." you whispered while looking at Niall. Niall smiled charming and looked you into your eyes. You blushed a bit, and when you turned your head to see the sunset again, Niall grabbed your face in his hands, and turned you around so you stood face-to-face. You blushed again, when you felt Niall's hands on your waist, and then Niall's lips on yours.

onsdag den 25. april 2012

A Zayn Imagine

#IMAGINE; you and Zayn are sitting in the couch, while watching the news. "Boy-band hottie Zayn Malik, walking around with a mysterious girl" the woman in the tv says. A picture of Zayn and a random girl flew up on the screen. "Zayn and the girl were seen together friday night kissing" the woman continues. You look at Zayn, "What?" you say very un-happy and angry to him. Zayn looks innocent at you, "We were drunk!" he yells to you, and gets up from the couch. You look angry at him, "Yeah. And Harry hates cats!" you yell back to him. Zayn looks at you, "So you don't think i was drunk?" he asks with his angry voice. You get up from the couch, "You cheater!" you just scream to him, before running up to you and Zayn's bedroom while crying. You look at your night table. On the table a picture of you and Zayn are standing. You look happy together, and now Zayn have cheated on you. You sit down on the bed, and start to cry into your hands. You doesn't hear a thing from Zayn, while you cry. You cry for like.. 30minutes, when you decide to do something. You slowly walk down of the stairs, and walks into the living room. In the couch, Zayn lays almost asleep. "Zayn?" you slowly asks him. Zayn wakes up, and sits up in the couch. "{YOUR NAME}, hi..." Zayn says to you, with a weak voice. You look at Zayn, and you realize that Zayn have cried too. You walks over to the couch, and sit down in the couch. Zayn looks deeply into your eyes, "im so sorry.. We were drunk, and i forgot everything about you.." Zayn says to you, and slowly kisses your cheek, "i love you. Don't ever forget that" Zayn continues with his weak voice. You look at him, and then you hug him. "I love you too, Zayn.." you say to him.

mandag den 23. april 2012

Dedicated to Amalie - Harry

(listen to the song first, or listen to it while reading the imagine)

#IMAGINE; you are at a party with Harry. The music is loud. You and Harry dances with eachother, while you are singing out loud to the song. "You look so pretty tonight" were the first words Harry have said to you, and he smiled a bit nervous. You smiled when you remember the words. Harry and you smile to eachother, "should we stop?" Harry asks with a smile, and gently takes your hand. You nod, "Let us that" you say to him, and you walk with Harry away from the dancefloor. You and Harry walks over to the drinks, and Harry takes one. You look at him, and then laugh a bit. You and Harry talks, while Harry drinks his drink. "Want to follow me outside?" Harry asks and smiles big. You nod, "ofcourse Harry!" you answer happy, and follow him out of the club. Outside its night, and there is bright stars everywhere. You see a shooting star and you smile big. "Harry! A shooting star, remember to wish!" you say to him. And then you wish. Harry closes his eyes, and he holds them closed for 1minute. "What did you wish?" Harry asks, when another shooting star comes up. You wish the same thing again, and then you are about to answer, but get interruptet by Harry's lips. He places his hands around your waist, "so? what did you wish for?" he asks again. You smile big, "the wish got fulfilled" you say happy and smile big. "This is perfect.." Harry says quiet in your hair, and then kisses your forehead.

A Niall Imagine

#IMAGINE; you and Niall sit around the fire. "{YOUR NAME} open your mouth!" Niall says, and then puts a marshmallow on a stick, and gently holds it over the fire. You laugh a bit, and then you open your mouth. After you have waited for like 15secs. Niall puts the marshmallow in your mouth.

A Liam Imagine

#IMAGINE; chasing Liam around your kitchen table with a spoon. "Why are you even doing that?" Liam shouts, and then laugh a bit. You stop, "I don't remember.." you say, and then smile. Liam laughs, and walks over to you. "you don't even remember your own name sometimes" he says, and kisses your forehead, "stupid girl" he says again and laughs.

Dedicated to Marjan - Harry

#IMAGINE; you are walking in this cute, little park with Harry. Its spring, and around you and Harry there is like 1billion flowers. "Its so cute here! Why are this the first time we are here?" you say/ask Harry and smiles. Harry looks at you, "i didn't knew there was a park here" he says innocent, and takes your hand and kisses your cheek gently. You blush a bit and then smile to him. Harry continue the walk down of the path, and he keeps holding your hand. You see that some girls have have seen Harry, and they now talk about him and you. The three girls walks over to you, and Harry and you stops. "Can we get a picture?" one of the girls asks Harry. Harry smile a bit, and looks over to you, "It won't take a long time!" he says, and gives the girls autographs and takes pictures with them. "Then bye, girls!" Harry says and takes your hand again, and continue to walk. "Look!" Harry says, and points at a big tree, and then points at a blanket. There is a picnic-basket on it, and there lays flowers around the blanket. "I maked that, just for you" Harry says, and kisses you again.

søndag den 22. april 2012

Dedicated to Astrid - Louis

#IMAGINE; you are walking on the beach with Louis, while watching the sunset. "Louis.. i love when we walk here.. Its so beautiful the sunset" you say to him and smiles. Louis smiles, "Very beautiful" he says to you, and kisses your forehead. "But you are more beautiful" he says, and kisses your lips.

Dedicated to Andrea - Harry

#IMAGINE; you and Harry are fighting, again. Its the 5th time in 2 days. "I hate you! I don't know why i ever thought you were pretty!" Harry screams at you with his powerful and angry voice. You start to cry a bit, but you actually don't want to leave the house. You live with him and the rest of the boys, so you just run up in your room, and starts to cry into your pillow. Harry's words are still in your head. "Maybe im just not pretty.." you think, before opening the drawer in your night-table. There lay a little knife, you have there for security. You take it up, and pulls your sleeve up. You look at your wrist, and then you cut. You look at the blood, there is coming and you don't see that Niall is coming in. "Andrea!" he says, and run over to you. "Omg.. what did you do to your self?" he asks, and lift your face up, so you can get  eye contact. "H-Harry told me i wasn't pretty.. That he hated me.." you cry to him, and then cover your cut with your sleeve. Niall looks at you, "he was angry.." Niall says gently to you, "Harry loves you more than everything.." he says, before lifting you up in his arms and carries you into the living room. All the boys sit in the couch, and they are all silent. Harry looks at you, "Andrea!" he says, and then gets up from the coutch and run over to you. Niall sit you down, and walks over to the other boys. Harry sees your cut, and then he looks at you. "don't ever do that again" he says, and then he kisses you.

-i almost cried while writing this. And even if i just read it, im almost crying. 

Dedicated to Signe - Zayn

#IMAGINE; you wait for Zayn, because he wasn't ready when you came over. Zayn and you had planned you should go on a vacation together. You wait for half an hour, and then Zayn is ready. Zayn laughs, "I sorry i let you wait" he says, and gently kisses you. You and Zayn goes out of the house, and over to the car. After 2 hours in the car, you arrive to the house you and Zayn are going to live in for 3 days. Zayn looks at you, "we are going to be a little family for 3 days now" he says, and kisses you again.

lørdag den 21. april 2012

Dedicated to Julie - Louis

#IMAGINE; sitting in Louis' lap. Louis smiles big, and places his hand on your waist, and kisses you. "Louis.." you mumble a bit, and pushes Louis to lay down in the couch. You sit down on his stomach, and starts drawing with your finger on his muscles.

Dedicated to Karoline - Niall

#IMAGINE; Niall have tweeted about a twitcam, he want to do. But only if his girlfriend, Karoline, wants to join him. You look at him, "Niall. Im not going to join your twitcam, im not pretty" you say to him. But too late, Niall have placed you on his lap and have already started the twitcam. "Karoline is pretty, isn't she?" he asks the screen, and all his fans starts to write things like; "Karoline and you are the greatest couple ever!" and "Karoline is soo pretty, you are lucky to have her". Niall just looks at you, and smiles, and then kisses you.

Dedicated to Silja - Louis

#IMAGINE; you have used ½ hour on your make-up, and you walk proud downstairs to Louis. "Morning  Lou!" you say happy to him. Louis looks unhappy at you, "what did i say about your make-up?" he complains, before wetting a towel and start to remove your make-up, while holding around your waist with the other hand. After he had removed your make-up, Louis smiles big, "Silja. You are much prettier without it, and im going to remove it all if you wear it again" he says, and then kisses you.

fredag den 20. april 2012

Dedicated to Stine - Liam

#IMAGINE; you are at a One Direction concert, as a fan. The boys are about to take 5 girls up on stage, and then backstage. Harry, Niall, Louis and Zayn quickly choose their girls, and when Liam is choosing, he chooses you.  You blush, and Liam helps you up on stage. “What is your name?” Liam asks you into the microphone, and you blush a bit more. “My name is Stine” you answer him, and try to ignore the microphone. He smiles big, “everyone, this is Stine!” Liam says to the crowd, and the crowd screams a bit. They start to sing ‘I Want’ and because Liam is starting, he place his arm around you, and starts to sing his part.  You follow Liam around on the stage, because he is holding your hand very tight. When the song is over, Liam slowly kisses your hand, and then your cheek and says “you’re lovely” and then he smile big.

torsdag den 19. april 2012

A Niall Imagine

#IMAGINE; you sit and cry in your couch. You have been bullied, again. Your boyfriend Niall doesn't know anything about it. Niall calls you, and you try to stop crying. "Hey babe!" Niall say very happy to you. You smile a bit, "Hey Niall" you try to say without you show in your voice that you have cried. "Is there something wrong?" Niall asks, "I hate when you talk like that.. i know you have been crying" Niall quickly continues, when he realise you won't tell him why you cry. You think a bit about it, "just come over.. i don't want to say it over phone" you say to him, and end the call with no answer from Niall. Niall comes over to your house, "what happened?" is the first thing Niall says to you. You smile a bit, and tell him your whole story about the girls there bullies you. "Babe.." he says, and then kisses you, "why didn't you tell me that?" he asks. You look at him, "i don't want you to be sad.. I hate when you are sad..." you say to him, and then Niall kisses you.

lørdag den 7. april 2012

A Liam Imagine

#IMAGINE; you have forgot your mobile in Liam's pocket in his jacket, and you first notice it when you are in school. "Hey, can i borrow your phone? i have to call my boyfriend" you say to one of your friends. You borrow her phone, and call Liam. "Hey babe, do you have time to come with my phone?" you ask him. "Sure!" he answers, and after 10 minutes he are on your school. "Hey babe" he says, and kisses you. He gives you your phone, and all the girls on your school are jealous on you.

Dedicated to Laura - Louis

#IMAGINE; Louis saying to you; "I love you more than Kevin and Harry together" and then kisses you.

Dedicated to Cecilia - Louis

#IMAGINE; Louis singing for you. "If i was your boyfriend, i never let you go..." he sings, and you starts to blush. He smiles, and kisses you.

Dedicated to Lise - Harry

#IMAGINE; You sit on a café, and you have spotted that Harry is there too. Harry walks over to you. "Hey!" he says to you, like it is the most normal thing in the world. You fangirl a bit inside, but then you say "hi!" to him. "Can i sit next to you?" he asks with a big smile. You nod, "my name is Lise" you say to him. He smiles big, and sits down next to you, "Lovely name!" he says and smile. You and Harry talk for hours, and then he says, "call me?" and then gives you his phone number.

tirsdag den 3. april 2012

A Harry Imagine

#IMAGINE; you wake up, ind the middle of the night. You can't sleep anymore, so you decide to stand up from the bed. You go down to the kitchen, and take a bottle of milk and a glass, and go into the living room. You turn on your computer, and pour some milk in your glass. You start to drink the milk, and go on twitter when the glass is empty. "sitting with my milk. I miss my Harry!" you write on twitter, and start to see all your replies to the tweet. You read all the tweet about you and Harry, and see that Harry have replied. "miss you too! im home soon!" he write to you. You smile, and are almost starting to cry. "i love you Haz" you quickly reply back, and again all the tweets about you and Harry are coming.

søndag den 1. april 2012

Written by my friend, Camilla - Zayn, Louis and Harry.

#IMAGINE; It’s evening you are with One Direction on tour. Today they have a pause. But tomorrow they have to leave you, because they have to go to an interview.
At the hotel: Zayn is in the kitchen, and you lay in the bed. You’re feeling sick. “Zayn?” you yell to him. “Yeah babe?” he answers and lays him beside you. “I’m feeling so sick” you say to him almost crying. He lays him closer to you and hugs you. “{YOUR NAME}… I will never let you be home alone when you’re sick! I’m here with you, until you are healthy again!” he says to you. “But… But you have to go to that interview tomorrow!” you say. He looks you deep in your eyes and says: “the interview means nothing, and you mean everything! You have to be healthy before I can go babe.” Then he lays give you a powerful hug and kisses you slowly. “I love you.” He says. “I love you to, babe.” You answer him. 

#IMAGINE; It’s about a month since you saw that Louis was following you on Twitter, of course you were so happy and you flipped totally out. But now you have the same boring life, and you still think: “I never going to see them, and they never comes to my country!”
One day you have drew a drawing of One Direction, and you publish it on twitter. About three days past, you get a message on twitter from Louis: 
“Hi {YOUR NAME}! I don’t know if you have seen it, but Harry has made a competition on his Twitter. We all five saw your picture of your drawing, and we actually don’t understand why you don’t join that competition. The winner wins a ticket to our concert (the hotel and the flight will be paid), and then the winner can see us after the concert, get our autographs and have a little talk with us. 
Xxx Louis Tomlinson.”
It couldn’t be true! You were the winner!!! 

#IMAGINE; You and Harry are in the shopping center, you were not looking for anything special, you just looking on many different things. You were tired and ask Harry: “Please babe, can we go home now. I’m tired!” Then Harry answers: “Of course darling.” He takes your hand, and you walk to the entrance hand in hand. “OMG! It’s Harry Styles and his girlfriend!” some fans yell. “Stay here babe, it does just take about 2 minutes.” Harry whispers to you. Harry walks over to the fans, gives them his autograph and gets photographed. Then he walks over to you, takes your hand hugs you and gives you a kiss. “Now I’m ready to go again!” he says to you. “Hey wait! Something’s missing…” he says to you. You look wonderingly at him. “What?” you ask him. “Stand completely still!” he says. He kisses you slowly and sits him on his knees. “Harry?” you says. “Do you want to be {YOUR FIRST NAME} Styles?” Harry asks you. That was an amazing moment, all things were just perfect, and then he asks you about that! “Of course I will Harry!” You answer him. He takes a box out of his pocket, and he opens it. The most perfect ring lay in the box, it was silver with a white diamond on the top. “You’re amazing Harry!!” you almost crying to him. He stand up again, and then he kisses you slowly and deeply.

A Louis Imagine

#IMAGINE; its April Fools day. You and Louis is on a romantic dinner. "Lou.." you say to him, "i'm pregnant".  Louis starts to laugh, "yea.. sure!" he says and laugh. You look at him, "Louis.. I'm serious" you say. Louis looks at you, and smile. "So.." he says, "i'm going to be a father?". You nod, "APRIL FOOLS!" you yell, and laugh. Louis looks at you, and then laugh.