tirsdag den 20. marts 2012

Imagines with Kids - Liam, Zayn & Louis

#IMAGINE; your daughter walks over to you, "mummy, how do you spell to our last name?" she asks. "P-a" you start, "i-n?" she ends. You can hear Liam laugh, "P-a-y-n-e" he spells, and walks over to you, and then kisses you.

#IMAGINE; "you can go out" you say to Zayn. Zayn walks out of the room, and you can hear he says "we got a boy" with a big smile.
#IMAGINE; your twin-daughters come and asks; "Mummy.. What band were your fav. when you were on my age?". You smile a bit, "One Direction" you answer. Your daugthers looks at you with big eyes, "were daddys band your fav.?". You can hear Louis are standing over in the door. "It was" he says, "we met here, in this city, to a concert" he says, with a big smile.

1 kommentar:

  1. love these! they are Amazing! :)
    Do you do personals? if you do could you do one with niall?:D
    My name is Maria
