torsdag den 29. marts 2012

Dedicated to Simone - Louis

#IMAGINE; you walk around singing "you're insecure, don't know what for.. You turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or". You don't see Louis are walking into the room you are in. "Don't need make-up, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough" he says to you, and grabs your waist. You have blushed very much, and looks down. He slowly lifts you up in his arms, "Hey babe" he says to you. You look at his eyes, "hey Lou" you say and smiles big. "Simone.. I love you, you know that, right?" he says and kisses you. You blush again, "You alwasys says that.. And i still can't believe it.." you whisper to him, "there is so many pretty girls in the world, and you picked me..". Louis smiles, "you are perfect as you are" he says and smiles, and kisses you again. Louis' mobile starts to make a high noise. He looks innocent at you, and lays you on your bed. Louis takes his phone, "Hey Harry" he rush to say, "No.. I'm going to be with Simone" he says to Harry, "say hello to the rest of the boys from me!" he says, and then lays his phone on your night table. "I love you" he says, and kisses you. You smile big, "it's okay that you are leaving, if you want to" you say to him. Louis shakes his head, "no. I will stay with you today" he says. You and Louis are having a great day, with movies(or films), food and a lots of laugh.

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