onsdag den 14. marts 2012

Dedicated to Nanna - Niall

#IMAGINE; you and Niall have planned, that Niall should pick you up in the airport. Niall had taked all the boys with him, to see you. You have never met the other boys. When the boys was in the airport, they saw that  your plane have been delayed until tomorrow. "Niall, let us come back tomorrow" Harry says. Niall looks up to Harry, "no, i will stay here. I would not go without {YOUR NAME}" he answers, and sits down on the floor. The other boys goes home, but Niall waits. You arrived, and the first you saw was his red shirt, and blonde hair. "Niall!" you yells, and run over to him, "i missed you!". Niall kisses you on the cheek, "i missed you too" he says, and takes your suitcase, and follows you out of the airport.

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