#IMAGINE; you and the boys were on the beach. The sun were hot, and there was many people. "i'm going in the water" you said to the boys, and ran straight into a cold wave. You looked over to the boys, laughing a bit. You dived under the water, and swam away from the coast, and when you came up, someone was splashing water at you. You turned around, and saw Liam. "What are you doing?" you shouted, while laughing. Liam started to laugh, and splashed water at you again. You felt some hands on your arms, and then a little curl on your neck. "Harry!" you screamed, when he started to splash water at you. Harry and Liam laughed at you, and smiled big. You finally got away from Harry, and started to splash water at them both. After a few minutes, you gave up. Liam and Harry came over to you, and lifted you over to the sand. "Close your eyes" Liam said with a cheeky smile, and you closed your eyes. You felt the hot sand on your arms, and on your legs. "What are you guys doing?" you asked them. None of the boys answered. You opened your eyes, and saw that your hole body were covered with sand. "Zayn, Niall and Louis said that we should do it!" Harry shouted innocent. You laughed, and when you got up, had sand glued fast to you.
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