torsdag den 15. marts 2012

Dedicated to Gry - Harry, Louis & Niall

#IMAGINE; its winter and you and Harry are going out side in the snow. You and Harry walks down in the street, and looks at the stores. "Harry.. Im freezing" you said to him, and looks at him. Harry smiles a bit, and cuddle you into him. "Let us.." Harry starts, but some fans have seen you guys, and are startet to run over to you. Harry looks at the fans, and then over to you. "Two seconds babe, buy som hot cocoa while you are waiting" he says, and give you some money, and then kissed you. After 30 minutes, and two cups cocoa, Harry came over to you again. "im sorry.." he said, and hugged you. You smiled a bit, "its okay.." you said. Harry kissed you.

#IMAGINE; you and Louis sit and talks. "if i were a dog. What would you have given to me, on my birthday?" you ask him. Louis laugh, and looks at you. "A dog biscuit, formed like a carrot. With strawberry taste, and color like a pear". You fall down of the couch, while laughing very loud. 

#IMAGINE; you have been out in the city all day, with some of your friends. When you came home, it smelled like cake. You walk in the kitchen, and lays your bag on the kitchen table. "Niall?" you ask out in the air. "HERE!" Niall says, and jumps out. He have cookie dough in his face, and his shirt is full of flour. "i have baked for you!" he says very proud, and points over to the plate with the cakes on. You smile, "aww" you say. "That is so cute" you say. Niall smiles, and kisses you.

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